A few weeks ago my sister took me and my boyfriend on my FIRST yes I said first camping trip ever; It was awesome!!! I loved it, everything about it, nature, the torrential down pour that lasted most of the weekend and even our tent that collapsed and sequentially lead to us having a mini indoor pool for the remainder of the weekend. Oh and the food (insert Homer Simpson like Hhhmmm) meat, smores, and possibly the best breakfast burrito I've ever eaten. Needless to say I'm hooked, I can't wait until I'm able to do it again. By the way my sister rocks!
On our way up, I was taking pictures of my sister taking pictures. We definitely know how to entertain ourselves.
By far the sweetest dog I've ever met! Her name is Spook and yes she's afraid of everything and I mean everything.
Setting up camp, this will become the tent Chris and I stayed in, the one that collapsed while we were on a hike... good times, good times.
First night, sunset was awesome!
Let there be light, Oh umm, I mean FIRE.
Me and my sister. Yep we don't look anything alike...
Oh and the star of the show, beautiful, wonderful nature!
So on one of our hikes we went up to an abandoned mine, it had been there for what seemed like ages. I know I wouldn't want to be stuck there at night, I bet it gets really creepy, and it was already pretty creepy to begin with. Just take a look at this stair case, the view from the top was crazy good but they were kind of intimidating in the only the stupid kids go up the crumbling stair case. Oh yeah we were those kids.
But it was worth it this is one of the views we got from on top.
Oh and this one wasn't bad either.
And these are the two that made it happen, my sister and her boyfriend. Aren't they a cute couple!
Did I mention the rain, and the hail Oooo there was hail, but it was all good. I couldn't have asked for a better first camping trip!!
Well I know it was a long post, but I had to some how make up for the weeks without posting. Hopefully I'll be able to share a little more about the upcoming craft fair I mentioned earlier. Well I know it's late but hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day vacation and here's to an early fall.
Till next time
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